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Mining Companies
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The North Antelope Rochelle Mine is America’s largest and most productive coal mine, offering some of the lowest sulfur coal in America. The mine shipped 107.7 million tons of compliance coal during 2012, and more than 1.8 billion tons since the mine began.
OceanaGold Corporation is a significant multinational gold producer with a portfolio of operating, development and exploration assets.
Porcupine Gold Mines is a subsidiary of Goldcorp Canada Ltd., situated in Timmins, Ontario. Porcupine consists of two distinct mining operations; Hoyle Pond Underground and Dome Underground. These assets, combined with our world-class mill serve to ensure a sustainable future for our employees, their families and our community.
Randsburg International Gold Corp is an exploration stage company, which is mainly engaged in the acquisition and exploration of mineral property interests in Canada and South America.
The Rocanville mine site is located 18 km east of the community of Rocanville in south-east Saskatchewan, Canada.
The Ruby Hill mine is located on the Battle Mountain/Eureka gold trend, less than one kilometer from the town of Eureka and 193 kilometers south of the Goldstrike Property.
Prior to 1860, Native Americans mined turquoise at the site. Freeport-McMoRan Corporation (formerly Phelps Dodge Corporation) acquired mining claims in the area from 1909 to 1916, and began concentrating ore produced from large-scale underground mining in 1916. Operations ended in 1921. 
We are the second largest primary silver producer in the United States. With a current expected annual rate of silver production of 2.2-2.4 million ounces.   Our growth will be driven by taking advantage of operational efficiencies, near-term development of key assets and disciplined execution of our acquisition strategy.
Uranium Energy Corp (NYSE MKT: UEC) is a U.S.-based uranium mining and exploration company.   The Company’s operations are managed by professionals with a recognized profile for excellence in their industry, a profile based on many decades of hands-on experience in the key facets of uranium exploration, development and...